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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - sponge


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~1 n 1 a piece of a soft natural or artificial substance full of small holes, which can suck up liquid and is used for washing  (The physio ran onto the field with a wet sponge.) 2 a simple sea creature from which natural sponge is produced 3 especially BrE an act of washing something with a sponge  (Give my back a quick sponge, would you?) 4 a sponger 5 BrE sponge cake ~2 v 1 also sponge down to wash something with a wet cloth or sponge  (Sponge down the walls before you paint them.) 2 T always + adv/prep to remove liquid or a mark with a wet cloth or sponge  (sponge sth off/out/up)  (Wendy tried to sponge the wine off her dress.) 3 to get money, free meals etc from other people, without doing anything for them  (Right-wing politicians accuse the poor of sponging. | sponge off sb)  (Carl's been sponging off his family ever since he left college.)
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  (sponges, sponging, sponged) 1. Sponge is a very light soft substance with lots of little holes in it, which can be either artificial or natural. It is used to clean things or as a soft layer. ...a sponge mattress. N-COUNT 2. A sponge is a sea animal with a soft round body made of natural sponge. N-COUNT 3. A sponge is a piece of sponge that you use for washing yourself or for cleaning things. He wiped off the table with a sponge. N-COUNT 4. If you sponge something, you clean it by wiping it with a wet sponge. Fill a bowl with water and gently sponge your face and body. VERB: V n • Sponge down means the same as sponge. If your child’s temperature rises, sponge her down gently with tepid water. PHRASAL VERB: V n P 5. A sponge is a light cake or pudding made from flour, eggs, sugar, and sometimes fat. It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges. N-VAR 6. If you say that someone sponges off other people or sponges on them, you mean that they regularly get money from other people when they should be trying to support themselves. (INFORMAL) He should just get an honest job and stop sponging off the rest of us!... He spent his life grumbling about missed opportunities and sponging on his father for money. VERB: V off n, V on n c darkgreen]disapproval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin spongia, from Greek  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) an elastic porous mass of interlacing horny fibers that forms the internal skeleton of various marine animals (phylum Porifera) and is able when wetted to absorb water  (2) a piece of ~ (as for scrubbing and cleaning)  (3) a porous rubber or cellulose product used similarly to a ~  b. any of a phylum (Porifera) of aquatic chiefly marine simple invertebrate animals that have a double-walled body of loosely aggregated cells with a skeleton supported by spicules or spongin and are filter feeders that are sessile as adults  2. a pad (as of folded gauze) used in surgery and medicine (as to remove discharge or apply medication)  3. one who lives on others ; ~r  4.  a. a soft mixture of yeast, liquid, and flour that is allowed to rise and then mixed with additional ingredients to create bread dough  b. a whipped dessert usually containing whites of eggs or gelatin  c. a metal (as platinum) obtained in porous form usually by reduction without fusion titanium ~  d. the egg mass of a crab  5. an absorbent contraceptive device that is impregnated with spermicide and inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse to cover the cervix  Synonyms: see parasite  II. verb  (~d; sponging)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to cleanse, wipe, or moisten with or as if with a ~  2. to erase or destroy with or as if with a ~ — often used with out  3. to get by sponging on another  4. to absorb with or as if with or in the manner of a ~  intransitive verb  1. to absorb, soak up, or imbibe like a ~  2. to get something from or live on another by imposing on hospitality or good nature ~d off of her sister  3. to dive or dredge for ~s  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 any aquatic animal of the phylum Porifera, with pores in its body wall and a rigid internal skeleton. 2 a the skeleton of a sponge, esp. the soft light elastic absorbent kind used in bathing, cleansing surfaces, etc. b a piece of porous rubber or plastic etc. used similarly. 3 a thing of spongelike absorbency or consistency, e.g. a sponge pudding, cake, porous metal, etc. (lemon sponge). 4 = SPONGER. 5 colloq. a person who drinks heavily. 6 cleansing with or as with a sponge (had a quick sponge this morning). --v. 1 tr. wipe or cleanse with a sponge. 2 tr. (also absol.; often foll. by down, over) sluice water over (the body, a car, etc.). 3 tr. (often foll. by out, away, etc.) wipe off or efface (writing, a memory, etc.) with or as with a sponge. 4 tr. (often foll. by up) absorb with or as with a sponge. 5 intr. (often foll. by on, off) live as a parasite; be meanly dependent upon (another person). 6 tr. obtain (drink etc.) by sponging. 7 intr. gather sponges. 8 tr. apply paint with a sponge to (walls, furniture, etc.). Phrases and idioms sponge bag a waterproof bag for toilet articles. sponge cake a very light cake with a spongelike consistency. sponge cloth 1 soft, lightly-woven cloth with a slightly wrinkled surface. 2 a thin spongy material used for cleaning. sponge pudding Brit. a steamed or baked pudding of fat, flour, and eggs with a usu. specified flavour. sponge rubber liquid rubber latex processed into a spongelike substance. sponge tree a spiny tropical acacia, Acacia farnesiana, with globose heads of fragrant yellow flowers yielding a perfume: also called OPOPANAX. Derivatives spongeable adj. spongelike adj. spongiform adj. (esp. in senses 1, 2). Etymology: OE f. L spongia f. Gk spoggia, spoggos ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) губка, пористый материал; поропласт 2) мыло для пластичных смазочных материалов 3) опара; закваска ставить опару; приготавливать закваску 4) опарное тесто 5) бисквит - anodic sponge - cathodic sponge - copper sponge - platinum sponge - rubber sponge ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) губка 2) губчатый 3) материал 4) мыло - rubber sponge - slime sponge - sponge filter - sponge iron - sponge material - sponge surface - titanium sponge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  губка; pl губки (Spongia) – bath sponge – calcareous sponges – crumb-of-bread sponge – elephant's-ear sponge – glove sponge – grass sponge – honeycomb sponge – horse sponge – purse sponge – sheeps-wool sponge – Turkey-cup sponge – Turkey toilet sponge – vegetable sponge – velvet sponge – yellow sponge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. зоол. губка (Spongia) 2. губка rubber sponge —- резиновая губка 3. обтирание губкой to have a sponge down —- обтираться губкой 4. смазывание или стирание губкой 5. губчатое вещество sponge filter —- губчатый фильтр sponge tissue —- физиол. губчатая ткань 6. кислое тесто; опара to lay (to set) the sponge —- ставить тесто (квашню) 7. бисквит 8. взбитые белки 9. металл губчатой структуры 10. трясина, топь 11. пенопласт 12. мед. тампон (из марли и ваты) 13. разг. нахлебник, паразит, приживал; приживалка 14. разг. пьянчуга, забулдыга 15. восприимчивый или жадно воспринимающий что-л. человек 16. кладезь he is a sponge full of knowledge —- он кладезь знаний his mind is a sponge gathering historical data —- его мозг - это сокровищница исторических фактов 17. воен. поршень банника Id: to pass the sponge over smth. —- предать что-л. забвению Id: to throw (to toss) up the sponge —- сдаться, признать себя побежденным 18. мыть, чистить, вытирать губкой to sponge one's body —- обтираться губкой to sponge a coat —- (по)чистить пиджак губкой to sponge a wound —- промывать рану 19. собирать губки 20. разг. паразитировать, быть нахлебником; "сосать", "доить" (кого-л.) to sponge on one's father for a living —- жить за счет отца to sponge smb. of everything —- выжать (вытянуть) все из кого-л. he sponged off his family for a while —- некоторое время он жил на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) губка  2) губчатое вещество  3) обтирание губкой; to have a sponge down - обтереться губкой  4) что-л., похожее на губку, напр., ноздреватое поднявшееся тесто, взбитые белки и т.п.  5) = sponger  1)  6) губка, человек, легко воспринимающий что-л., быстро усваивающий знания  7) med. тампон (из марли и ваты) to pass the sponge over smth. - предать забвению что-л. to chuck/throw up the sponge - признать себя побежденным  2. v.  1) вытирать, мыть, чистить губкой (тж. sponge away/off/out); Sponge the blood away before you cover the wound.  2) собирать губки  3) coll. одалживать у кого-л. (без отдачи) (from); пользоваться чем-л. чужим, приобретать за чужой счет; Do you think we can sponge a meal from your parents? - sponge down - sponge off - sponge on - sponge out - sponge up - sponge upon SPONGE down обтирать(ся) мокрой губкой; Its so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath, it makes me feel so much cleaner. SPONGE off чистить губкой SPONGE on coll. жить на чужой счет; I didnt mind giving the boy an occasional meal, but before I knew what had happened, he had moved in, and sponged on us for over two weeks! SPONGE out  а) стирать губкой;  б) изгладить из памяти SPONGE up впитывать губкой; Itll take a long time to sponge up all that pool of water. SPONGE upon = sponge on ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sponge, from L. spongia "a sponge," also "sea animal from which a sponge comes," from Gk. spongia, related to spongos "sponge." The verb meaning "to live in a parasitic manner" is from 1673, though originally it was the victim who was known as the sponge (since he or she was being "squeezed"). Spongy "soft, elastic" is from 1539. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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